A Tiny Mobile House / Transportables Klein-Wohn-Haus



1 Gebäude wird transportabel, wenn es klein genug ist, und eine Metall-

Rahmen Konstruktion aufweist. - Via Helikopter zum neuen Aufstellort.


a building can be transported if it is tiny enough and got a metal-frame to

lift and move it by freight helicopter and fly it to your new Swiss location. 



A Tiny Mobile House - Transportfähiges Haus this is how the tiny mobile house can look like ...



the tiny house discussion is on all over the world - the native internet

generation wants a tiny mobile house - but it has to look like a house

and not like a camping trailer - so lets do it with a steel-frame base :


and this is the inner metal-frame that makes it transportable
the tiny mobile house can be lifted and moved by an ordinary freight helicopter ...
Ground floor plan tiny mobile house
first floor plan tiny mobile house
Quality product made in Central Switzerland



in fact it is a very simple technical design : some useful hints


- steel-tubes of 159 x 159 mm with a wall thickness of 4 mm

- use building foam to have insulation inside the steel-tubes

- the 2 lashes on the roof top are of a massive quality please


- if you want to be safe, weld a sheet metal plate into the 

  frame where there is no windows (look into the plans)

- put insulation material on both sides of the metal plate


- make the inner walls from 30 mm wood and paint them

- make the outer walls of 30 mm wood and paint them

  (rich people use 26 plus 4 mm Eternit or ceramic tiles)


- the windows you can all buy - it is all standart windows

- the doors are all standard doors with a little round eye


- do not forget the sanded bitumen layer between frame

  and the layer of cobble stones the house sits on ...


- if you have learned a craftsman profession or if you are

  a builder or engineer you can build this house yourself


the people who want to do changes on Tiny Mobile House

or want to develop it further please download original file :


requires ArchiCAD 20 on a Mac or PC - add suffix .pln to open
Datei [60.7 MB]
and the lifted / craned version - mit angeklappter Terrasse - auch hier .pla ergänzen
Datei [67.3 MB]



press play - then you have some music while looking over this page




A Tiny Mobile House was my biggest succes on Facebook ever !!!

OK - i did a lot of posts in a lot of groups over app. ten days and i got :


1.088 Likes and Loves



3.580 views on films


it looks like Tiny Mobile House really has hit the bone and that

there is a huge interest on small affordable houses worldwide.


The Facebook people loved the 2D constructions plan very much

and there has been more then 300 of them downloading the .pdf

files with the 2D construction plans from this private website ...


As architect i usually work for the rich - this time i managed to

"be with the people" and to give them plans for a Tiny House ...


that is why i created a Facebook Webpage for A Tiny Mobil House

https://www.facebook.com/TinyMobileHouse/ since 21. May 2017


With best regards from volker goebel / architect / dipl.-ing.






check your evironment - i managed to find some empty lots of land just

near by where i live - it is because the land lots are too small for a con-

ventional big family house - but a tiny small house still can fit in ...




such helicopter you can hire to transport the house every 3 years to your next work contract
JPG-Datei [3.0 MB]




Einsatz-Gebiete für das Tiny Mobil House / Who can use Tiny House :


- Wohnhaus für 1-2 Personen (kleines, bezahlbares ZPH)

- Ferienhaus für 3-4 Personen (Einzeln oder Hausgruppen)

- Baustellenhaus für 2 Personen (die Monteure freuen sich)

- Spezialhaus für die Berge (Helikopter-Transport möglich)

- Spezialhaus für schwierige Bauorte (Kran und Helikopter)

- Spezialhaus für Erdbeben-Opfer (Krisen-Reaktions-Haus)

- Gartenhaus für Leute mit Kindern die es sich leisten können

- Wohnhaus für kleine Grundstücke


Achtung - es ist ein Fachunternehmen für Blitzschutz beizuziehen.

Wer Metal-Laschen auf dem Dach und einen Stahlrahmen hat ist

gut beraten in Blitz-Schutz und Erdung zu investieren ... Folgt !!!



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Someone asked for a swimming Tiny Mobile House - OK, concrete pontons

swim very well - you got to have EPS (Styropor) Blocks inside !!! but such

ponton 10 x 10 Meters is expensive - there is no building law on water in

most countries - and then Tiny House is like a boat - you are on 12 Volt

then and you need batteries - you got to have a waste water and a fresh

water tank on board - and you have to fix your ponton to the surround ...


ArchiCAD 20 Data File for Download add .pln
Datei [58.7 MB]
Swimming_A-1 BASIS.pdf
PDF-Dokument [65.6 KB]
Swimming_A-2 EG.pdf
PDF-Dokument [114.0 KB]
Swimming_A-3 OG.pdf
PDF-Dokument [82.8 KB]
Swimming_A-4 Schnitt 1-1.pdf
PDF-Dokument [432.7 KB]
Swimming_A-5 Schnitt 2-2.pdf
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Swimming_A-6 Schnitt 3-3.pdf
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Swimming_A-7 Schnitt 4-4.pdf
PDF-Dokument [447.0 KB]
Swimming_A-8 Schnitt 5-5.pdf
PDF-Dokument [434.3 KB]
Swimming_A-9 Schnitt 6-6.pdf
PDF-Dokument [431.0 KB]



der Stahl-Rahmen des Tiny Mobil House hat noch Übergewicht

the steel frame of A Tiny Mobil House is still overweighted

we work on it now ... change from steel to aluminium required







Das klappbare Tiny Mobil House kann doch auch ein schönes Victorinox

Produkt made in Switzerland / Schwyz sein ... Die kennen Sie mit Stahl

gut aus - und für den Holz-Anteil finden sich bestimmt lokale Firmen ...


you are on Page 1 - are you also interested in the Details ?  go Page 2


JPG-Datei [2.2 MB]



0179 40 49 665 DE Tel




Volker Goebel


Dipl.-Ing. Arch.






schöne, aber veraltete Besuchskarte - nur zur Erinnerung



Druckversion | Sitemap
Volker Goebel / Dipl.-Ing. / Tel ++49 178 40 49 665 DE / info@ing-goebel.com / ingenieur.goebel@gmail.com